the gilgamesh archives projects

Grant immortality to your words.


Your words can endure for millennia thanks to our archives and technology.

Clay and stone tablets discovered in ancient libraries like those of Nippur and Nineveh have preserved the earliest literary texts for over 5,000 years.

Today, in the digital and paper age, so vulnerable to catastrophes and the ravages of time, our preservation methods ensure that your creations will be safeguarded for future civilizations, no matter what befalls ours.

Discover how we can help you preserve an indelible legacy for your works.

Our projects aim to preserve your literary and poetic works, contemporary knowledge, and languages for future civilizations over thousands of years.

We also store directions to other sites that have been established to safeguard the cultural heritage of our civilization in the event of a global catastrophe.

We archive these works in specially designed vaults that ensure protection from the effects of natural disasters.

We use a proven, non-technological material: granite stone, combined with an analog, easy-to-decipher written record.

Our archive is located in a place that can be easily found, even by less advanced future civilizations, thanks to the distribution of banded flint fragments worldwide, which provide instructions for locating our collections.

This particular type of stone is found in only one place on Earth, a narrow strip in the foothills of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains, where our archive is located.


The archive was established for future civilizations

 it continues the mission started by the ancient libraries in Nineveh and Alexandria.
Its goal is to become a key archaeological site in the future.

Archiving Literature and knowledge

The commercial part of our activities allows anyone to protect and preserve books, publications, poems, and their own thoughts from oblivion and the aftermath of catastrophes, thereby contributing to the cultural collection of our civilization.

Preservation of contemporary languages

In our collection, we aim to preserve as many copies of the “Epic of Gilgamesh” in various languages as possible, to ensure they are not entirely forgotten and can be deciphered thousands of years from now.

universal archaeological signpost

Flint crumbs left at iconic locations around the world will guide future inhabitants of Earth to our archive, where they will find instructions on locating other valuable cultural and scientific collections for posterity.


As much as 96% of the world’s ancient literature has been lost forever.

Due to the degradation of materials like papyrus and parchment, destruction during wars and religious conflicts where texts deemed heretical were destroyed, fires, floods, and other catastrophes or natural disasters.

Many organizations, such as arctic world archive, clockss, and the rosetta project, have recognized this problem and are addressing it by storing digital copies of books, documents, journals, and information about contemporary languages.

Our archive complements the global system of archiving the cultural heritage of our civilization by utilizing a durable and archaeologically proven medium that is independent of computer networks and other technologies.

It is said that history is written by the victors. However, looking at archaeology, we can conclude that history is written by those who survived.


Future civilizations may arise long after we are gone, and it is uncertain whether they will be able to read the contemporary languages in which we preserve the cultural heritage of our times in our archive.

Therefore, one of our goal is to ensure the preservation and understanding of these languages, preventing their extinction and oblivion. Inspired by the discovery of the Rosetta Stone, which unlocked the secrets of Egyptian hieroglyphs, our archive will preserve “The Epic of Gilgamesh” in multiple languages. Basic knowledge of just one of them will allow the others to be deciphered.

By commissioning your own stele, you also become a benefactor of a stone tablet representing the world’s oldest epic in a language of your choice.


Our archive also serves as an archaeological guidepost, pointing the way to other sites established to protect the achievements of our civilization from destruction and oblivion.

We house instructions on how to find places such as among others the Arctic World Archive, which stores vast amounts of historical documents and artworks on film, The Rosetta Project, which preserves digital copies of languages, the Global Seed Vault, and The Frozen Ark Project, which safeguards animal DNA, including species threatened with extinction.

This will serve as a milestone in further archaeological discoveries.


Thanks to our strategic location, w wąskim pasie przedgórza iłżyckiego gór świętokrzyskich, in the only place in the world where striped flint is found, and the scattering of flint crumbs across the Earth with instructions on locating our archive, we believe that the discovery of our resources will be relatively easy for future civilizations. 

Zostawiamy wskazówki z krzemienia w kluczowych i kultowych miejscach na całym świecie, takich jak kompleks piramid w Gizie, Taj Mahal i Statua Wolności

sprawiają one, że jesteśmy najlepiej oznaczonym ogólnoświatowymi drogowskazami miejscem archiwizacji kultury.


Current Projects

Literary Legacy

A project for the archival preservation of broadly defined fiction and popular science literature.

Scientific Heritage

As part of this project, we have designated a separate area of our archive where we store materials containing the knowledge of our times.

Poetry and Songs

An initiative to preserve poems, song lyrics, and other poetic texts from being forgotten.

Philosophical Thoughts

The goal of this project is to collect writings and treatises from philosophers of both past and present times.

Time Capsule

An undertaking that gathers a collection of messages addressed directly to future civilizations that may discover our archive.

„rosetta xxi”

Project Aiming to Preserve and Decode Contemporary Languages for Future Civilizations
This involves preserving multiple copies of “The Epic of Gilgamesh” in various languages.

Archaeological Signpost

An initiative that will enable future generations to locate other places established to protect our cultural and scientific heritage.

„flint crumbs”

An initiative to facilitate the discovery of our archive through its unique location and the dispersal of banded flint stones around the world.


Discover Our Journey

The main challenges were selecting a sufficiently durable material and marking technology, developing preservation methods, choosing a location for the archive that is impervious to disasters, and ensuring that it could be found and understood by a future civilization thousands of years from now.

Stone Steles

Selected natural granite, known for its exceptional durability, will be used. Your text will be engraved by industrial machines with high power and precision, designed for marking very hard materials with a small, clear, and legible font. The stele contains 50,000 characters, which is approximately equivalent to 50 pages of a book.


Our developed multi-stage chemical preservation methods, based on natural agents, combined with physical protection of the tablets before their placement in the archive, will further enhance the security of both the stone stele and the words inscribed upon it.


An underground archive meeting the standards of a bunker, featuring a stable, constant, and maintenance-free microclimate. It is impervious to the effects of climate change, natural disasters, and environmental catastrophes. the completion of construction and the placement of collections are scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2025.


The holy cross mountains

For the archive to be found thousands of years from now, it had to be established precisely there.

In a location that has preserved traces of life from 395 million years ago and the only place in the world where banded flint is found

This place is itself a natural archive of the Earth’s history. On a small surface area, it encompasses rocks and fossils from all geological periods.

Here, one can find remains of organisms that inhabited ancient seas and lands.
Among the most fascinating discoveries are remains of a whale from 15 million years ago, the fossilized tracks of tetrapods, the world’s oldest vertebrates from 395 million years ago, and dinosaur tracks from about 200 million years old. Field studies have revealed numerous sites in the region with traces of various dinosaurs, including sauropods, ornithischians, and predatory theropods.

We chose this exceptional location for our archive precisely because, through its numerous discoveries dating back millions of years, it has proven its timelessness and durability, preserving mineral materials.


To make the discovery of our collections as easy as possible

The Holy Cross Mountains are the only place on Earth where banded flint is found. 

wystarczy, że przyszłe cywilizacje odkryją jedno z kultowych miejsc jak piramidy w Gizie, taj Mahal, panteon czy grobowce w Sakkarze. w każdym z nich, podobnie jak w wielu innych ważnych i ikonicznych miejscach, mają szansę odnaleźć instrukcje dotarcia do naszych zbiorów.

realizujemy projekt rozproszenia krzemiennych wskazówek dotarcia do naszego archiwum aby było najlepiej oznakowanym miejscem ochrony naszej kultury i nauki.

sprawdź wyjątkowość tego kamienia, który od neolitu był wydobywany w środkowej europie.


Order your stela

Each stone tablet measures approximately 19.7×19.7 inches and has a thickness of approximately 2 inches. It can hold up to 100,000 characters. After completing your order, you will receive a link where updates and photographic documentation of the progress on your project will be published.
Each order also includes:

Become a sponsor of a stela inscribed with the text of ‘The Epic of Gilgamesh’ in a language of your choice
Granite certification of the text’s storage in our collection
Your name will be commemorated in our archive as a benefactor supporting the project and its ongoing development


A very hard and durable stela made from selected natural granite
Double-sided engraving using precision, high-performance industrial machines
Our developed multi-step chemical and physical preservation process for the stela
Eternal storage in a specially designed archive meeting shelter standards

If you did not find the answer you were looking for, please contact us.


Linda Group Sp. z o.o.

Ignacego Paderewskiego 51/47,
35-330 Rzeszów, Poland

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